If you have a wife, it should be like this :
A king went for a walk on the roof of his place. While walking, his eyes fell on the roof of the house near the place, on which a very beautiful woman was drying clothes.
Bandi said: Badshah Salamat, this is the wife of your slave Feroz.
The king came down, and the beauty of this woman was on the king.
When Feroz appeared, the king said: Feroz this is our job. Give this letter of ours to the king of such and such a country and get his reply from came him.
Feroz: He returned home with this letter, put the letter under his pillow, prepared his luggage, spent the night at home, and left for his destination in the morning, not knowing what the king had done to him. He gone.
On the other hand, as soon as Feroz disappeared from sight, the king secretly reached Feroz's house and gently knocked on the door of Feroz's house.
Feroz's wife asked who is it.
The king said: I am the king, the owner of your husband.
She opened the door. The king came in and sat down.
Feroz's wife was surprised and said: Today the king is here in our poor house.
The king said: I have come here as a guest.
Feroz's wife understood the king's meaning and said: I seek refuge in Allah from your coming in such a way, in which I do not see any good.
The king said in anger: O girl, what are you saying? Perhaps you do not recognize me, I am the king, the owner of your husband.
Feroz's wife said: King Salamat, I know that you are the king, but you are said to be an elder
No matter how hungry the tiger is, it does not start eating the dead
And said: King Salamat, you have come to drink water in the bowl in which your dog has drunk water.
The king was very embarrassed by the woman's words and left her and went back but forgot his slippers there.
All this was done by the king.
Now Feroz halfway remembered that he had left the letter which the king had given him at home, he quickly turned his horse back and galloped towards his house. Feroz reached his home, and while taking out the letter from under the pillow, he saw the king's slipper lying under the bed, which he had forgotten in his haste.
Feroz's head was spinning and he understood that the king had sent him on the journey only to fulfill his purpose. Feroz quietly left the house without telling anyone. He left with the letter and returned to the king after finishing the work, and the king gave him 100 dinars as a reward. Feroz went to the market with dinars and bought expensive clothes for the use of women and also some gifts. After reaching home, he greeted his wife and said let's go to your home.
The wife asked: What is this?
He said: The king has given the reward and I want you to wear it and show it to your family.
Wife: As you wish, the wife got ready and left for her parent's house with her husband, son-in-law, and daughter and they were very happy to see the gifts they had brought.
Feroz left his wife and came back and even after a month, he neither asked for his wife nor called her back.
After a few days, his brother-in-law came to meet him and asked him: Feroz, tell us the reason for your anger and displeasure with my sister, or else we will present you before the judge.
So he said: If you want, do it, but there is no right left on me that I have not paid.
Those people took their case to the Qazi, then the Qazi called Feroz.
Qazi was sitting next to the king at that time. The girl's brothers said: May Allah keep the King safe and the Qazi al-Qadaa established forever. Qazi Sahib, we gave a verdant garden, trees full of fruits, and a well of fresh water to this person. So this person destroyed our garden, ate all the fruits, cut the trees and damaged the well and closed it.
Qazi turned to Feroz and asked: Yes, boy, what do you say about this?
Feroz said to Qazi Sahib: I have returned the garden which was given to me in a better condition.
Qazi asked: Has he returned the garden to you in the same condition as it was before?
He said: Yes, it has been returned in the same condition, but we want to ask him the reason for returning the garden.
Qazi: Yes Feroz, what do you want to say about this?
Feroz said to Qazi Sahib,I did not leave the garden because of any malice or hatred, but because one day I came to the garden and saw the marks of the lion's claws in it, so I was afraid that the lion would eat me. I stopped going to the garden because of the lion's pride.
The king who reclined was listening to all this, and sat up and said. Feroz goes to your garden in peace and contentment. By Allah, there is no doubt that the lion came to your garden, but he could not leave any impression there, nor could he break any leaf, nor could he eat any fruit. He stayed there for a while and returned disappointed. I swear I have never seen such a strong garden wall as yours.
So Feroz returned to his home and took back his wife as well. Neither the judge nor anyone else knew what had happened!!!
Is it necessary to hold your family's secrets private so that others do not find out?
Don't share your home's secrets with anyone.
May Allah provide you with happiness and help safeguard you, your family, and your personal belongings from harm. In prayers, deliverance and yes must be remembered.