AIDS Day 2022: Natural remedies may help with HIV infection symptoms.


AIDS Day 2022: Natural remedies may help with HIV infection symptoms

Currently, there is no treatment for HIV. Let's see whether Ayurveda or other natural remedies might offer some relief on World AIDS Day.
Ningthoujam Natalia

On December 1st, you'll notice many individuals wearing red ribbons. It serves as the worldwide representation of HIV awareness and support (human immunodeficiency virus). It's critical to be aware of HIV therapies as the world observes World AIDS Day. The subject of therapy comes to people's minds when they understand the distinction between HIV and AIDS. Surprisingly, despite several tries, none of the available therapy approaches successfully cures HIV.
Even more individuals seek out complementary therapies. Ayurveda and natural remedies don't offer a cure for HIV, but they do appear to assist with some of the symptoms.

HIV is a virus that weakens your immune system's capacity

According to the National Health Service (NHS), HIV is a virus that weakens your immune system's capacity to fight against illnesses and common infections.


The term "AIDS," which stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is used to refer to a variety of diseases and infections that can be fatal when your immune system has been severely compromised by the HIV virus.

According to NHS, the majority of HIV-positive individuals develop a flu-like sickness two to six weeks after becoming infected. HIV may not show symptoms for several years after the brief sickness. Fever, sore throat, body rash, fatigue, joint discomfort, muscle ache, and swollen glands are a few of the symptoms.

Despite the fact that HIV medicines have advanced greatly over the past 20 years, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses claims that current treatment approaches are far from ideal.

As a result, Health Shots got in touch with Dr. Smita Naram, an Ayurvedic doctor, pharmaceutical herbalist, and nutritionist, to find out if natural treatments like Ayurveda can help with some HIV-related symptoms.

She said that Marma points and particular therapies offered by Ayurveda assist to clear obstructions and eventually enhance health. Ayurvedic therapy is based on botanical ingredients. Researchers' formulas are employed, and physicians prescribe medications in accordance with your condition.

Ayurvedic fundamental therapies for HIV infection

1. Dosha relief, according to the expert, is one factor in pain reduction.

2. By enhancing excretion, aam pachan aids in the removal of pollutants.

3. Ras dhatu cleaning aids in boosting immunity, which is crucial for reducing symptoms.

4. Rejuvenation is the main focus of rasayana.

Detox methods to boost HIV patients' immunity

Finding techniques to boost immunity is crucial since HIV impairs a person's immune system. According to Dr. Naram, various detox treatments can be used to boost immunity depending on the severity and state of the patient, but they must be carried out rigorously under supervision and with care.

The Ayurvedic detoxification process not only purifies the body but also the mind and the emotions. She claimed that doing so promotes overall health and wellbeing in one's life. A detox helps to remove toxins that might build up due to digestive impurities including mucus and metabolic toxins in the veins, liver, colon, and joints.

Also read: HIV testing and screening: The ABCs

According to Dr. Naram, there are several detox solutions, some of which may contain Ghrutpan, Virechan, and Basti. These include Smart detox, Dynamic detox, Power detox, and Super detox.

Home cures for pain relief

For a variety of health issues, we frequently hunt for answers in the kitchen cabinet. Dr. Naram advised people to experiment with other home treatments, such as eating eight to ten basil leaves every morning on an empty stomach. Two dates, two almonds, two figs, one apricot, and two tablespoons of fennel seeds are all acceptable serving sizes. She suggested soaking them at night and eating them in the morning.

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