اللہ کی راہ میں دینا ہی زندگی کا واحد ذریعہ ہے۔ . Giving in the path of Allah is the only way of life

Giving in the path of Allah is the only way of life. 


اللہ کی راہ میں دینا ہی زندگی کا واحد ذریعہ ہے۔



Who is the Allah?

The Arabic word Allah literally means “The God”. Believers in Islam understand Allah to be the proper name for the Creator as found in the Qur’an. The word Islam, which means submission, was not at first the name of a religion founded by  Muhammad. It referred, rather, to the original religion of all mankind – and even of the universe itself which, like us, was created to serve Allah.                                                                            

"Say: He is Allah, the One" (Quran 112:1)💓

What is Beggar?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Begging is to ask someone for money, food, or any support as a charity. A beggar is a person who is unable to meet his/her basic human need

including shelter and something to eat.  

Types of Beggar:                                                                             

Professional Beggar
They sing “songs” to seek attention. They even read the verses from the bible or Geeta and ask people to give them money in the name of God or Humanity. Most of them are healthy but pretend to be sick. Professional begging is a curse.

Street Beggar

The man who begs alms on roads and streets is called street beggar. Begging is not employment. He earns his livelihood by begging in a street. A street beggar is a familiar figure in our country. He goes door to door for begging.

Why we should help of beggar?

The analysis reveals that poverty, unemployment, lack of electricity, sanitation, potable water and proper housing, non availability of ration card, lack of money for marriage of their daughters, various diseases, etc. are the main problems faced by the beggars.
  • by providing them with affordable food and other basic necessities of life.
  • by giving them employment.
  • giving their children education and telling them about the importance of education.
  • by telling them the importance of doing work.
  • by providing them shelter.

if you have any doubts . plz let me know

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