Tons of gold deposits discovered in the city of Ertugrul Ghazi || ارطغرل غازی کے شہر سے ٹنوں سونے کے ذخائر دریافت
Tons of gold deposits discovered in the city of Ertugrul Ghazi
Billions of dollars worth of gold have been discovered in the Turkish city of Sogat in Ertugrul Ghazi.
The head of Turkey's agricultural sector and credit corporates, Fahratin Poraz, has confirmed that about 100 tonnes of gold have been discovered in the Sogat region of central-western Turkey.
Tons of gold deposits discovered in the city of Ertugrul Ghazi
Billions of dollars worth of gold have been discovered in the Turkish city of Sogat in Ertugrul Ghazi.
The head of Turkey's agricultural sector and credit corporates, Fahratin Poraz, has confirmed that about 100 tonnes of gold have been discovered in the Sogat region of central-western Turkey.
In the next two years, the gold from these deposits will begin to become part of the Turkish economy.
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